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Staff Application Template.
Started by John_Fries

Topic Locked

John Fries

Admin Developer Moderator Helper Member
09 Aug 2024
Last Seen
16 Sep 2024


  • Must be an active player.
  • Can't be staff on other servers.
  • Access to discord.
  • A vast knowledge of the servers rules.
  • Do not ask staff members to help or look over your application. 
  • Do not ask staff members to look at your application or get them to positively rep them.

Other rules:

  • Do not copy and paste your old staff applications when reapplying. They were denied for a reason.
  • Ensure the application is easy to read.
  • Wait 2 - 4 weeks before reapplying after your application is denied.



1: What is your in-game name?

2: How old are you?

3: What timezone are you in?

4: How long (roughly) have you been playing FriesNet?

5: What is your discord? (e.g johnfries)

6: Do you have any staff members referencing you or have told you to apply, if so who?

7: Do you have any prior staffing experiences, if so where and how long? 

8: How many hours (on average) can you dedicate per week?

9: Why do you want to be mod? (Be descriptive, two sentences is not going to get you accepted)

10: Why out of all the other applicants should we choose you? (Be descriptive, two sentences is not going to get you accepted)

11: Do you have any previous punishments?




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Make a ticket for support on the discord!

John_Fries · 14 days ago · Last edited: 13 days ago